Military personnel and their families make many sacrifices in their line of work. Show your appreciation for their actions not just on Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day by implementing one of these policies at your business.
Special Discounts
If your business is a grocery store or other source of food, you will have trouble competing with the prices that military families can find on bases and posts. For example, in Pennsylvania, even military families who live outside of a base will choose a Pittsburgh area commissary over a private grocery store. However, companies of all kinds can attract their business with special discounts. Consider giving military families a set percentage off their bill. If you are a smaller company with limited finances, you could offer the deal weekly or monthly.
Flexible Services
Particularly if the active-duty parent is deployed, military families may struggle to get to appointments or errands. You can ease their burden by creating special options for them, such as free delivery of online products. You could also consider adding an app or website where people can order and pay for their products ahead of time so that when they get to the store, they just have to pick up their goods.
You can do your bit for the military services by simply understanding their needs and entitlements. Many veterans are entitled to disability compensation as a result of their injuries sustained in war, and they use tools such as this calculator to work out exactly how much compensation. By learning about this, you are showing your support!
Exclusive Events
Host a day for military families at your business. You could combine this event with your discount days by adding booths with activities for children such as face painting and games. Print out coloring pages to give to service members’ children, and order patriotic buttons and other tokens to give away. Make an effort to speak with the people who visit and thank them personally for their dedication.
Showing gratitude for the armed services takes time, but you will build bonds with your community members that last far longer. Don’t make up excuses about how small your company is; any effort will be appreciated.