As an employer, finding the right employees is crucial to the success of your business. Good workers support your objectives and help you realize bigger profits. You may be tempted to engage in “warm-body hiring” or employing the first applicant that meets the minimum requirements. Alternatively, you might be the “ritual hiring” type wherein you appoint personnel based on how you were hired. High-impact hiring is a performance-based option that considers several factors to help obtain high-performance employees.
Performance Analysis
You need to have a clear understanding of what is required of your employees and how those requirements bring value to your operations. Often hiring mistakes arise from managers not really understanding what a particular job function requires in terms of skills, knowledge and experience. Performance analysis establishes a framework to distinguish good workers from the rest.
Hiring Tools
Putting together a comprehensive set of hiring tools helps you hire the best candidates. Structured interviews, work samples, and reference checks are just some of the many tools that can help you determine if an applicant will be a good fit. For example, if your employees will be responsible for money management, consider using credit check services for employers. Knowing how a potential employee has managed money might provide insight on future job performance.
Turnover Preparation
Anticipating needs before turnover allows you to develop succession plans and redefine job functions in advance. This also helps you avoid warm-body appointment in a desperate effort to fill a newly vacant position. Ultimately, no matter what hiring strategy is chosen, there are some unavoidable disadvantages to the recruitment process. If you decide to pursue a lateral recruitment approach, for example, the risk of an increase in overall staff turnover is, unfortunately, a risk. However, by breaking down your hiring strategy into strategic steps, recruiters can increase return on investment, and turnover rates can be reduced.
Systematic Review
The employment process must be based on a logical review of applicants’ potential for high performance. Avoid selecting candidates based on a hunch or ill-defined, non-performance based reasons. Not only will this increase the likelihood of choosing the best employees, but this will also reduce the risk of engaging in illegal hiring practices.
As a business owner, you want the best employees to create a productive work environment. Avoid the temptation and short-term satisfaction of warm-body and ritual hiring. Having a well-defined system for hiring decisions offer several benefits to your business and helps you select high-performance staff.