Make money at home by filling up online paid survey is one of the easiest money making idea ever. Learn how to make money with paid surveys as one of your multiple online income streams.
Make money at home with online paid surveys, which is a very popular easy money making idea for people who stay at home. Do you know that there are several big companies use online paid surveys for research and development and marketing strategies?. They spend more than $10 Billion to pay people who share their opinion thru online paid surveys to these companies. Don’t you like to have a share of income right at your home with this popular easy money making idea. You can even make this a part of you multiple online income streams?
Why do big companies use online paid surveys?
Though these big companies have their in-house research teams, they still need to get the knowledge, expertise and opinions of the consumers in the real world. This is necessary to get ideas from their market to improve existing products and services or to create new ones. These companies know that people will not give their best opinion without giving anything in return, especially money as compensation. To get these ideas and opinions in the fastest possible manner, they use online paid surveys. They use surveys for the purposes such as the following:
* To test a product before launching on the market. If they launch an inferior product and did not get prior opinion from consumers, then it will be a big disaster to their business.
* To get an idea of what the consumers need from a certain product. This will be a tool for improving an existing or making a new product.
* To compare a product against competitors. This will basis of making strategies for market competition.
* To know what type of media mostly used by people at home. This is useful for marketing strategies.
How to make money with online paid surveys
* You need to have an email address and internet access.
* Subscribe to a prestigious company for a paid survey database by paying a one-time fee. That fee is for searching for reliable market research companies that offer an online paid surveys and for compiling it for those who want to make money with these online paid surveys. Normally, prestigious market research companies prefer to be included in these paid databases for quality packaging of their profiles and quality service to subscribers. However, there are also web sites that offer free online paid survey database but they usually spam their subscribers for their effort. Try them but be careful.
* Register to a prestigious companies that pay for online surveys.
* Apply to marketing companies that are looking for people like you to complete online paid surveys and/or participate in focus groups.
* You will be sent an online survey that you need fill up. You may be required to review movie trailers. You may be given a task to test new products. You may be also asked about restaurants you visit, appliances you purchased, favorite food, medicines you purchased, etc.
* You will earn cash or points for each of the survey task you’ve accomplished. These will be accumulated and will be sent to you on a scheduled date of a month.
Benefits of making money with online paid surveys
* You will be working at home with your family.
* You do not need to be a computer expert or wizard.
* You don’t need to have or maintain your own web site.
* You will not advertise, promote or sell any product or recruit other people.
* You won’t buy anything for filling up an online survey.
* There is no quota to achieve or no pressure at all. You are the boss and you will manage yourself.
* There are no orders to take or deliveries to make.
* You will simply share your ideas and honest opinion on certain products or services and other subjects that matters to market research companies.
* Get paid to take online surveys from $5 to $75 each. Get paid to participate in focus groups up to $150 an hour. Get paid to take phone surveys as much as $120 an hour. Get paid to try new products (and keep the free products too). Get paid to preview new movie trailers for $4 to $25 an hour.
Disadvantages of making money with online paid surveys
* You may be a victim of spammer if you subscribe for free online paid survey database.
* You may have limited access to some surveys that are intended for certain locations.
* You may lose interest in filling up a survey asking for the same question over and over again.