Credit Piggybacking – All That You Need to Know

Getting added as an authorized user of another credit is called piggybacking. The primary goal of piggybacking is to boost a credit score of the affected person or establish the credit of a beginner. Although it is done frequently including commercial options, it is not a permanent or long-term solution for low credit. One can still apply other methods like repaying loans and bills or good management of the credit card.
Credit Piggybacking

But if you understand more about piggybacking, how it works, and when to apply it, it will come in handy when you need a quick boost for your credit score.

Piggybacking Explained

As mentioned, someone with a good credit history adds another person as an authorized user. As soon as this is effected, the added person starts to enjoy the credit history of the other. According to financial analysts, this method is a quick way to boost credit, especially when you choose someone with a rich credit history. Usually, there are few scenarios where people benefit from this option:

  •  Someone with low credit – If you are about to take a loan in a few months, your credit score could be the main thing standing between you and the financial help. A low credit score can be boosted using this method. And the best thing is that it is fast because all you need is for the credit reporting agencies update your file. You can look these up to know more about enhancing your credit score quickly.
  • When establishing credit – Teenagers and young businesses who are about to establish their credit can benefit from this method as well. Students can piggyback on their parent’s credit history while businesses can use piggybacking companies at a fee.

Considerations When Piggybacking

To ensure that you get the best from the credit card account holder that you choose, you ought to make some considerations. First, credit history matters a lot. Always choose an account with a long experience as it will reflect on your file. It is a no-brainer that credit history is one of the biggest considerations when determining the credit score. With good research, you will find such a credit account to piggyback.

Another consideration is to be cautious when choosing piggybacking companies. Some of them are just looking to scam people who desperately need to boost their credit score fast. If you do not trust a company to get you a great account to piggyback on, then it is better to stop and focus on repaying your bills and managing your credit card to improve the score. Otherwise, you may lose a lot of money trying to follow this route.

We already mentioned that this is not a long-term solution for getting a high credit score. It is a short-term remedial solution to get a quick boost. Thus, you should not go back to piggybacking every now and then.


As you can see, piggybacking is an excellent help for those who are establishing credit and anyone who would like to give their credit score a quick boost. But there are numerous precautions to observe as we have explained. If all of the above insights are considered, then everything should go well.